Check out my projects which vary on a wide range from vanilla Javascript through pure HTML&CSS to React single-page-applications. Through my learning process I have created learning exercises which can be useful for future Junior Frontend developer fellows. I have deployed my projects mainly to Github Pages with CLI git commands. In my Javascript projects the ECMAScript 7 language features are frequently used like arrow functions, rest parameter, template literals, property shorthand, destructuring assignment, higher level functions like 'map', just to mention a few. I prefer to apply good practices like trailing comma, naming conventions, and I am intended to write as clean code as much as I can. Here is an inspirating article from about good practices I have recently read. Automated user acceptance testing (UAT) and test driven development is another hot topicthat keeps me interested nowadays.
Design project
Re-designing kilipuedesign site included various design stages like planning the sitemap, creating a wireframe in Figma and designing a mockup with color scheme, typography, icons and button styles.
Wikipedia article copy
I created a responsive webpage with numerous components and a strong emphasis on CSS styling. I am particularly proud on the detailed implementation of the site layout which resembles to the original site and its features to its deepest details. You will be committed the same opinion once you will have a look at the notes and their references, the footer, the sidebar and the mobile version as well.
Array exercises
This Array exercises site offers practice opportunity for Javascript array methods either in console or in text editor. If someone gets stuck, there are Hint opportunities with Javascript codes that can be copied and used.
Tabs exercise
This Tabs exercise offers opportunity for practice toggleable Tabs with Javascript. It includes an expandable and hideable Exercise and Solutions section.
Turtle run game
This desktop game controlled by keyboard or mouseclick is an ideal use case for event handlers and switch statement. The info section is created as a click-outside modal window hideable by hitting the Esc key or by clicking outside the modal frame.
Drawing game
This keypad controlled drawing game is another use case for switch statements. The gameplay is enhanced for girls with soft rainbow colors and unicorn collecting feature.
Wedding website
Another beautifully detailed responsive webpage with HTML & CSS. This project features a styling guide which was created during the planning phase so I could stick to it in the creation phase.
Demo shopping cart
The shopping cart app demonstrates some basic functionality of a webshop like incrementing cart value, summarizing item value and volumes. This is a good use case of selecting, traversing and manipulating the DOM elements, utilizing event handlers and applying computational logic.
React scoreboard
A scoreboard built with React for tracking multiple teams' scores.
Events exercise
With the events exercises you can gain expertise with event handlers. Small hints are included.